The prohibition and restriction against open burning as provided hereunder shall not apply in the event of the grant of a permit which may be authorized in the exercise of appropriate discretion of the Fire Chief or such other person as may be appointed by the Fire Chief and/or by the Mayor, with consent of the City Council (hereinafter the “appointed person”),which application for permit in the reasonable exercise of discretion shall be considered in cognizance of the following guidelines:
(A) No such permit should generally be granted in circumstances wherein the city leaf vacuum is able to adequately service the premises;
(B) The issuance of a permit shall be for the purpose of burning landscape waste only, which landscape waste for the purpose of this subchapter is hereby described as follows: dry leaves, the dried trimmings of or fallen pieces of trees or bushes and other dry vegetable matter as is ordinarily produced by any yard, garden or lot;
(C) Permits will only be issued for the periods from April 1 through May 31 and from October 1 through November 30 in each respective year;
(D) Burning of such landscape waste pursuant to permit shall only occur between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on any given day;
(E) Burning of any landscape waste pursuant to any such permit shall only be permitted when wind air speed is 14 miles per hour or less, which air speed shall be referenced by the reports of the National Weather Service as of the time of the burning;
(F) Any landscape waste to be burned pursuant to permit shall be dry to the touch prior to the starting of the fire intended to burn any such landscape waste;
(G) Any burning of any such landscape waste pursuant to permit must be supervised at all times by a legally competent adult until completely extinguished which legally competent adult shall be the applicant for the permit unless otherwise designated within the application;
(H) During the time of the burning of any landscape waste pursuant to permit, a water hose must be connected at all times to a water source and shall be accessible to the fire supervisor within 15 feet of the fire;
(I) All coals and ashes must be extinguished in connection with any burn authorized by permit before the adult supervising the fire may leave the area;
(J) No burning of landscape waste shall be permitted within 20 feet of any adjoining property owner or renters, motor vehicle or residence;
(K) Any landscape waste to be burned pursuant to permit must be burnt on the premises on which the landscape waste is generated;
(L) No burning of landscape waste pursuant to permit shall be allowed to create a visibility hazard on paved streets or railroad tracks; and
(M) No burning of landscape waste pursuant to permit shall be allowed on paved streets, public alleyways, public easement or drainage ditches.
(Ord. 2367, passed 8-14-2012)