(A) Any animals impounded by the City of LaSalle, may be turned over at the city’s discretion, as exercised by the Chief of Police of the City of LaSalle, through the Animal Control Administrator of the County of LaSalle at any time following impoundment. Further, following the expiration of 7 days of impoundment, if the dog has not been previously turned over to the County of LaSalle Animal Control Administrator, the city may either destroy such animal or deliver the same to an institution requiring live dogs or cats for scientific or educational activities within the State of Illinois, and licensed by the State of Illinois pursuant to the provisions of appropriate statutes, unless the owner of the dog or cat has made an appropriate provision for paying on a regular basis, the fees of impoundment while the animal is impounded.
(B) No animal impounded by the city shall be released from the pound, unless the owner or person who claims ownership, shall exhibit to the City Comptroller that such animal has been vaccinated by a doctor of veterinary medicine licensed within the State of Illinois, for rabies with a 1-year vaccine within a 12-month period, or with a 3-year vaccine within a 3-year period, prior to impoundment.
(Ord. 1724, passed 1-8-2001)