For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADMINISTRATOR.  A veterinarian licensed by the State of Illinois, and appointed by the County of LaSalle, pursuant to the Act commonly known as the Animal Control Act, ILCS Ch. 5, Act 5, §§ 1 et seq. or said person’s fully authorized representative.
   ANIMAL.  Any animal, other than man, which may be affected by rabies.
   CITY. The City of LaSalle, LaSalle County, Illinois.
      (1)   Any individual dog anywhere other than upon the property of the owner or custodian of the dog and unmuzzled, unleashed, or unattended by its owner or custodian that behaves in a manner that a reasonable person would believe poses a serious and unjustified imminent threat of serious physical injury or death to a person or a companion animal (including any other dog); in that regard it shall be a significant factor in making said determination if the dog bites another dog; it shall additionally be a significant factor in making said determination if the dog acts in a manner that threatens the safety of a person, a cat and/or another dog; or
      (2)   A dog that, without justification, bites a person and does not cause serious physical injury, or a dog that without justification kills another dog.
   ENCLOSURE.  A fence or structure of at least 6 feet in height, forming or causing an enclosure suitable to prevent the entry of young children and suitable to confine a dangerous dog in connection with other measures which may be taken by the owner or keepers such as tethering of a dangerous dog within the enclosure. Such enclosure shall be securely enclosed and locked and designed with secure sides, top and bottom, and shall be designed to prevent the animal from escaping the enclosure and shall have a minimum dimension of 5 feet by 10 feet. Additionally, the enclosure shall be double gated at the entrance, with there being at least a 1-foot foyer area between the 2 gates at the entrance. If the enclosure has no bottom secured to the sides, then the sides must be embedded into the ground no less than 2 feet. Additionally, the enclosure must provide protection from the elements for the dog.
   LEASH.  A cord, rope, strap or chain which shall be securely fastened to the collar or harness of a dog or cat, and it shall be of sufficient strength to keep the dog or cat under control.
   OWNER.  Any person having a right of property in a dog or cat or who keeps or harbors a dog or cat, or who has it in his or her care, or acts as a custodian, or who knowingly permits a dog or cat to remain in or about any premises occupied by said person.
   PERSON.  Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, society, association, or other legal entity, any public or private institution of the State of Illinois, any corporation or political subdivision, or any other business unit.
   RECKLESS DOG OWNER. A person who owns a dog that while anywhere other than upon the property of the owner, and without justification, kills another dog that results in that dog being deemed a “dangerous dog” under either and/or both of section 15.1 of the Animal Control Act (ILCS Ch. 510, Act 5, § 15.1) and/or is found to be a “dangerous dog” under the provisions of this subchapter, and who knowingly allows the dog to violate section 9 of the Act on two occasions within 12 months of the incident for which the dog was deemed dangerous or is involved in another incident that results in the dog being deemed dangerous on a second occasion within 24 months of the original dangerous determination.
   VICIOUS DOGS.  A dog that, without justification, attacks a person and causes serious physical injury or death or any individual dog that has been found to be a “dangerous dog” upon 3 separate occasions.
(Ord. 1724, passed 1-8-2001; Am. Ord. 2447, passed 7-2-2013; Am. Ord. 2758, passed 9-24- 2018; Am. Ord. 2897, passed 9-8-2020)