Parking is prohibited in the following locations during the times indicated.
Street | Location | Time | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
Street | Location | Time | Ord. No. | Date Passed |
Chartres Street | East side from Sixth Street to Ninth Street | During school hours | 1129 | 3-9-1987 |
Crosat Street | East side within 60 feet of Fifth Street | Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. | 1123 | 12-29-1986 |
Eighth Street | Both sides, between Lafayette Street and Creve Couer Street | During school hours | 2308 | 11-28-2011 |
Fifth Street | South side between Bucklin and Lafayette | During school hours | 1692 | 12-13-1999 |
Fourth Street | North side of the 200 block | During school hours | 2255 | 12-13-2010 |
Fourth Street | South side of the 200 block which is between Lafayette Street and Creve Coeur Street | During school hours | 1782 | 10-14-2002 |
Hennepin Street | East side, for the first 200 feet north of 11th Street | During school hours | 1781 | 10-14-2002 |
Lincoln Avenue | South side, between Malcolm Avenue and Campbell Avenue | Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. and between the hours of 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. on school days | 2044 | 11-20-2006 |
Malcolm Avenue | East side, north of O’Conor, allowing 3 residential permits per household residence | During school year of Northwest School | 2123 | 4-21-2008 |
Marquette Street | Along the east curb line between Third Street and the alley entrance next south of Third Street | During the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. daily | 264 | 9-23-1929 |
Roosevelt Road | North side, between Bucklin and Lafayette | Between the hours of 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 pm. on school days for a period of one year | 2842 | 9-23-2019 |
Seventh Street | North side, between Chartres Street and Peru Street | During school hours | 1129; Am. Ord. 1602 | 3-9-1987; 6-2-1997 |
Seventh Street | Both sides, from Chartres Street to Creve Coeur Street | During school hours | 1129 | 3-9-1987 |
Sixth Street | North side between Bucklin and Lafayette | During school hours | 1692 | 12-13-1999 |
(1963 Code, § 9-5-10) Penalty, see § 72.99