4.13.030 Threshold for covered projects.
   (a)   All projects within the City, the total costs of which are, or are projected to be, greater than or equal to $50,000, or which involve the construction, demolition, or renovation of 1,000 square feet or more, shall be considered covered projects and shall meet the diversion requirement and comply with all provisions of this Chapter. For the purposes of determining whether a project meets the foregoing thresholds, all phases of a project and all related projects taking place on a single or adjoining parcel, as determined by the Compliance Official, shall be deemed a single project.
   (b)   All projects undertaken by the City whose total costs are equal to or greater than $50,000, or which involve the construction, or renovation of 1,000 square feet or more shall be considered covered projects and shall meet the diversion requirement and comply with all provisions of this Chapter. The City or its designee shall submit a WMP to the Compliance Official prior to beginning any construction or demolition activities and shall be subject to all applicable provisions of this Chapter.
   (c)   Demolition-only projects within the City, which are, or are projected to be, greater than or equal to 300 square feet shall be considered covered projects and shall comply with this Chapter.
(Ord. 957 § 3 (part), 2018)