10.116.060   Decision and Notice.
   A.   Decision.
      1.   The review authority may announce and record the decision on the matter being considered at the conclusion of a scheduled hearing, or defer action and continue the matter to a later meeting in compliance with Section 10.116.040 (Hearing Procedure), above.
      2.   At the conclusion of a hearing conducted by the Director, the Director may, instead of rendering a decision, refer the matter to the Commission for review and final decision.
      3.   The decision of the Council on any matter shall be the final City action.
   B.   Notice of Decision. Following the decision on an application required by this Zoning Code, the City shall provide a written copy of the review authority’s adopted resolution to the applicant and to any person who specifically requested notice of the City’s action. (Ord. 935 § 3 (part), 2015)