10.90.050   Review Procedures.
   A.   Director’s Review. The Director shall make a written decision and either approve, approve with modifications, or deny a request for Reasonable Accommodation in compliance with Section 10.90.060 (Findings and Decision), below.
   B.   Other Review Authority. The written decision on whether to approve or deny the request for Reasonable Accommodation shall be made by the authority responsible for reviewing the discretionary land use application in compliance with the applicable review procedure for the discretionary review. The decision to approve or deny the request for Reasonable Accommodation shall be made in compliance with Section 10.90.060 (Findings and Decision), below.
   C.   Request of Further Information. If necessary to reach a determination on the request for Reasonable Accommodation, the review authority may request further information from the applicant consistent with the Acts, specifying in detail the information that is required. (Ord. 935 § 3 (part), 2015)