10.88.050   Project Review, Notice, and Hearing.
   A.   Application Consistent with the Purpose of Chapter.
      1.   Each Planned Development Permit application shall be analyzed by the Director to ensure that the application is consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter.
      2.   The Director shall submit a staff report and recommendation to the Commission for its consideration.
   B.   Notice and Hearings.
      1.   A public hearing shall be required for the Commission’s action on a Planned Development Permit application.
      2.   The public hearing shall be scheduled once the Director has determined the application complete in compliance with Section 10.82.070 (Initial Application Review).
      3.   Notice of the public hearing shall be given and the hearing shall be conducted in compliance with Chapter 10.116 (Public Notices and Hearings). (Ord. 935 § 3 (part), 2015)