10.80.030   Exemptions from Permit Requirements.
   The following activities and uses of land and/or structures are exempt from the land use and development permit requirements of this Zoning Code. However, the activities and uses shall comply with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and may require other permits in compliance with the Municipal Code.
   A.   Accessory Structures. Accessory structures, as defined in Article 9 (Definitions), that are smaller than 120 square feet in size, not located within the required front setback area, and have no portion of the structure equal to or greater than eight feet in height.
   B.   Activities/Uses.
      1.   Yard sales in residential zones and neighborhoods when operated in compliance with Municipal Code Chapter 5.50 (Yard Sales).
      2.   Emergency public health and safety needs and land use activities including, but not limited to emergency utility and response facilities.
   C.   Decks and Paths. Decks, platforms, and on-site paths that are less than 30 inches above natural grade, are not over any basement or story below, and are unenclosed except for a safety railing with a maximum height of 42 inches.
   D.   Fences in Residential Zoning Districts. Certain fences in residential zoning districts are exempt from land use permit requirements in compliance with Chapter 10.28 (Fences, Hedges, and Walls).
   E.   Interior Remodeling. Interior alterations that do not increase the gross floor area within the structure or change/expand the allowed use of the structure.
   F.   Portable Spas, Hot Tubs, Fish Ponds. Portable spas, hot tubs, fish ponds, and similar structures that are less than 120 square feet in area (including related equipment), contain less than 2,000 gallons of water, and are less than three feet in total depth.
   G.   Repairs and Maintenance. Ordinary repairs and maintenance, if:
      1.   The work does not change the approved land use of the site or the structure or add to, enlarge, or expand the area occupied by the land use, or the floor area of the structure;
      2.   Within a parking lot, the work does not alter the number or configuration of parking and/or landscape planters in any manner; or
      3.   All exterior repairs employ the same materials and design as the original construction.
   H.   Solar Collectors. The addition of solar collection systems to the roofs of existing structures.
   I.   Utilities. The alteration, construction, erection, or maintenance by a public utility or public agency of underground or overhead utilities intended to service existing or nearby approved developments (e.g., electric, gas, telecommunication, or water supply or disposal systems, including cables, conduits, drains, fire-alarm boxes, hydrants, mains, pipes, police call boxes, sewers, traffic signals, wires, and similar facilities and equipment), but not including new transmission lines and structures. Satellite and cellular telephone antennas are instead subject to Section 10.50.200 (Wireless Communications Facilities). (Ord. 935 § 3 (part), 2015)