10.50.150   Secondhand Stores.
   A.   Purpose and Applicability. This Section provides operational standards for retail secondhand stores. The provisions in this Section shall apply to retail secondhand stores where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development and Design Standards) and the following standards.
   B.   City Standards. Except as specified in this Section, the premises on which a retail secondhand store is located shall comply with the regulations and restrictions applicable to the zone in which it is located.
      1.   Design Quality. A proposed retail secondhand store shall be of an architectural and visual quality and character that harmonizes with, or where appropriate, enhances the surrounding area.
      2.   Store Front Appearance. The store front of a retail secondhand store shall not be distinguishable from a store selling new merchandise other than by signs and merchandise displayed.
      3.   Display of Merchandise for Sale. All merchandise shall be displayed in a similar manner to that of a store selling new merchandise.
      4.   Completely Enclosed Structure. All available merchandise shall be displayed, sold, and stored within a completely enclosed structure.
      5.   Business Permit Required. A retail secondhand store shall receive and maintain a valid City Business Permit issued in compliance with Municipal Code Chapter 5.08 (Business and Occupation Permits). (Ord. 935 § 3 (part), 2015)