The following speed limits are established pursuant to the California Vehicle Code. These speed limits shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected for each listed street.
No . | Street | Location | Speed Limit |
No . | Street | Location | Speed Limit |
1 | Amar Rd. | Puente Ave. to Sunset Ave. | 40 |
2 | Amar Rd. | Sunset Ave. to Unruh Ave. | 40 |
3 | Amar Rd. | Unruh Ave. to Aileron Ave. | 40 |
4 | Azusa Way | Valley Blvd. to Main St. | 35 |
5 | California Ave. | Francisquito Ave. to Del Valle Ave. | 35 |
6 | California Ave. | Nelson Ave. to Temple Ave. | 35 |
7 | Central Ave. | Main St. to Valley Blvd. | 35 |
8 | Elliot Ave. | Amar Rd. to Hacienda Blvd. | 30 |
9 | Fairgrove Ave. | Sandy Hook Ave. to Unruh Ave. | 30 |
10 | Fairgrove Ave. | Hacienda Blvd. to Aileron Ave. | 30 |
11 | Francisqui to Ave. | California Ave. to Hacienda Blvd. | 40 |
12 | Glendora Ave. | Old Valley Blvd. to Temple Ave. | 35 |
13 | Glendora Ave. | Temple Ave. to Hacienda Blvd. | 35 |
14 | Hacienda Blvd. | Nelson Ave. to Temple Ave. | 40 |
15 | Hacienda Blvd. | Temple Ave. to Amar Rd. | 40 |
16 | Hacienda Blvd. | Amar Rd. to N.C.L. (550' SW/O Michelle St.) | 40 |
17 | Main St. | E. Old Valley Blvd. to Stimson Ave. | 30 |
18 | Nelson Ave. | Puente Ave. to Orange Ave. | 35 |
19 | Nelson Ave. | Orange Ave. to California Ave. | 35 |
20 | Nelson Ave. | California Ave. to Unruh Ave. | 35 |
21 | Nelson Ave. | Unruh Ave. to Hacienda Blvd. | 35 |
22 | Nelson Ave. | Hacienda Ave. to Glendora Ave. | 35 |
23 | Old Valley Blvd. | Glendora Ave. to Valley Blvd. | 35 |
24 | Orange Ave. | Nelson Ave. to Temple Ave. | 35 |
25 | Orange Ave. | Temple Ave. to Amar Rd. | 35 |
26 | Orange Ave. | Amar Rd. to N.C.L. (Shaver St.) | 35 |
27 | Puente Ave. | Nelson Ave. to Temple Ave. | 45 |
28 | Puente Ave. | Temple Ave. to Amar Rd. | 40 |
29 | Puente Ave. | Amar Rd. to N.C.L (110' NE/O Sauder St.) | 40 |
30 | Sunset Ave. | Nelson Ave. to Temple Ave. | 45 |
31 | Sunset Ave. | Temple Ave. to Amar Rd. | 45 |
32 | Temple Ave. | Puente Ave. to Orange Ave. | 40 |
33 | Temple Ave. | Orange Ave. to California Ave. | 40 |
34 | Temple Ave. | California Ave. to Unruh Ave. | 40 |
35 | Temple Ave. | Unruh Ave. to Hacienda Blvd. | 40 |
36 | Temple Ave. | Hacienda Blvd. to E.C.L. (370' E/O Greycliff Ave.) | 40 |
37 | Unruh Ave. | Nelson Ave. to Temple Ave. | 40 |
38 | Unruh Ave. | Temple Ave. to Amar Rd. | 40 |
39 | Unruh Ave. | Amar Rd. to Fairgrove Ave. | 40 |
40 | Valley Blvd. | W.C.L. (Valley Bridge) to Old Valley Blvd. | 50 |
41 | Valley Blvd. | Old Valley Blvd. to E.C.L. (125' E/O Azusa Way) | 50 |
42 | Willow Ave. | Nelson Ave. to Temple Ave. | 35 |
43 | Willow Ave. | Temple Ave. to Amar Rd. | 35 |
44 | Willow Ave. | Amar Rd. to N.C.L. (Hayland St.) | 35 |
(Ord. 940 § 2, 2016; Ord. 889 § 1, 2009; Ord. 841 §1, 2005: Ord. 840 § 1, 2004: Ord. 611 § 1, 1989: Ord. 519 § 1, 1984: Ord. 443 § 2, 1979)