5.46.080 Suspension or revocation of permit.
   (a)   Grounds for Revocation. A permit may be revoked by the director if the holder or any person soliciting on behalf of the holder violates any of the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   Notice—Revocation. Whenever it shall be shown that grounds for revocation exist, the director shall suspend the permit by issuing the holder notice of the suspension, stating specifically the reasons for the suspension. Such notice shall be provided by registered or certified mail or by personal service of the notice upon the person. The suspension shall become effective on the third calendar day after service by mail of the suspension notice, or immediately upon personal service of the notice.
   (c)   Notification of the Sheriff’s Department. The director shall immediately notify the Los Angeles County sheriff’s department of the suspension or revocation of any permit issued under this chapter.
(Ord. 788 § 26 (part), 1999)