4.34.010 Prohibited noises—General standard.
   No person shall make, or cause or suffer, or permit to be made upon any premises owned, occupied or controlled by such person, any loud, raucous, jarring, unusual, unnecessary, excessive or other unreasonable noises, sounds or vibrations which are physically annoying to reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity or which are so harsh or so prolonged or unnatural or unusual in their use, time, or place as to cause or contribute to the unnecessary and unreasonable discomfort to any persons within the neighborhood surrounding the location from which said noises emanate or which unreasonably interfere with the peace and comfort of the residents of the surrounding neighborhood or their guests, or the operators or customers in places of business in the vicinity, or which detrimentally or adversely affect such residences or places of business.
(Ord. 753 § 4 (part), 1997)