4.08.030 Section 20.32.690—Reimbursement for repairs and maintenance—Amended.
   Section 20.32.690 of Los Angeles County Code, Title 20, is amended to read as follows:
      20.32.690   Reimbursement for repairs and maintenance following violations. Whenever an industrial sewer connection permittee by reason of violation of Section 20.36.400 of this Code, or any other person by reason of violation of Section 20.32.640, causes obstruction, damage or destruction of a public sewer, or any appurtenances thereto, or pumping plants or water pollution control plants in connection therewith, he shall reimburse the County Sewer Maintenance District in which damage occurred for the cost of flushing, cleaning, repairing and reconstruction of such sewer or facility, made necessary by such violation, within 30 days after the County engineer has rendered an invoice for the same. The amount when paid shall be deposited into the fund of the said maintenance district.
      In the event the damaged public sewer is not in a sewer maintenance district, the violator shall reimburse the City within thirty (30) days after the City engineer shall render an invoice for the same. The amount when paid shall be deposited in the City Treasury.
(Ord. 613 § 2 (part), 1989)