2.16.060 Powers.
   The planning commission has the power, except as otherwise provided by law, to:
   (a)   Recommend to the proper departments of the city plans for the regulation of the future growth, development, and beautification of the city in respect to its public and private buildings and works, streets, parks, grounds, and vacant lots;
   (b)   Recommend to the proper departments of the city plans, consistent with the future growth and development of the city, in order to secure sanitation, proper service from all public utilities, and shipping and transportation facilities;
   (c)   Make recommendations to any public authorities or other persons concerning the location of any proposed buildings, structures or works;
   (d)   Approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove discretionary entitlements for changes in land use;
   (e)   Do such other things as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter and the provisions of the Planning and Land Use Act of the state;
   (f)   Adopt by-laws, which are subject to approval by the city council, as may be necessary to provide for:
      (1)   The time and place of meetings,
      (2)   The time and method of electing officers,
      (3)   Such other matters relating to the organization of the commission and methods of administration of its duties that are not otherwise provided for by statute or ordinance.
(Ord. 767 § 1 (part), 1998)