(A)   New employees.
      (1)   New employees will be evaluated 90 days after their start date.  The employee will either continue his or her probationary period or be terminated.
      (2)   After an employee’s 90-day review, the employee will be evaluated again at 180 days.  The employee will either be taken off probation, given an additional probation period, or be terminated.
   (B)   Employees employed for longer than one year.  Employees will be evaluated annually in December.
   (C)   Staff evaluations.
      (1)   The Superintendent shall be responsible for ongoing evaluations by conducting, at a minimum, monthly staff meetings.
      (2)   Annual evaluations will include  employee accomplishments of those tasks assigned at monthly staff meetings.
      (3)   The Superintendent and employees will each complete a performance evaluation form prior to the annual evaluation.  At each evaluation, consensus will be drawn between both forms and that consensus will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
      (4)   Evaluations will be completed in duplicate; one copy will go to the employee and the other into the employee’
      (5)   Employees may discuss their evaluation with the Parks Board Personnel Committee if so desired.
   (D)   Superintendent evaluations.
      (1)   The Personnel Committee may solicit from all Parks Board members and/or from full-time staff members, a confidential evaluation of the Superintendent.
      (2)   Annual evaluations will include accomplishments of master plan objectives.
      (3)   The Superintendent and Personnel Committee will each complete a performance evaluation form prior to the annual evaluation.  At the evaluation, consensus will be drawn between both forms and that consensus will be placed in the Superintendent’s personnel file.
      (4)   Evaluations will be completed in triplicate; one copy to the Superintendent, one into the Superintendent’s personnel file, and the other to stay with the Personnel Committee.  A sample of the performance evaluation form is given in Appendix VI of the Parks and Recreation Policy Manual.
      (5)   The Superintendent and the Personnel Committee may discuss his or her evaluation with the entire Parks Board if so desired.
   (E)   Parks Board evaluations. 
      (1)   Members will be evaluated on attendance and active participation at Parks Board and standing committee meetings.
      (2)   Ongoing evaluations will be administered by the Executive Committee.  At the Executive Committee’s discretion, an attendance report may be sent to any member’s appointing body.
(Policy passed 6-13-95)