Parking spaces and area are required as follows.
Required Parking Spaces
Required Parking Spaces
Airport or heliport
1 per 2 employees, plus 1 per 4 public seats
Artificial lake of three acres or more or private swimming pool
1 per 2 users
Automobile or trailer sales area
1 per 1,000 sq. ft. used for area retailing
Automobile sales and repair (indoor)
1 per 200 sq. ft. of floor area
Banks, business offices, professional offices, similar business uses, postal stations, telegraph offices, and similar service uses
1 per 500 sq. ft. of floor area
Board or lodging house or fraternity, sorority, or student cooperative house
1 per 3 occupants
Bowling alley
3 per lane, plus 1 per 6 spectator seats
Business uses in AB districts
As determined by the Board to be in line with comparable uses
Business uses not otherwise listed
As determined by the Board
Cemetery or crematory
1 per 2 employees plus 1 per 4 seats
Church or temple
1 per 6 seats in main auditorium
1 per 2 employees, plus 3 per doctor
College, university, or trade or business school
1 per 3 students or staff members
Country club or golf course
1 per 2 employees, plus 3 per golf hole
Dancing academy
1 per 200 sq. ft. of floor area
Department store, retail showroom, apparel shop, flower area shop, drugstore, hardware store, stationer, newsdealer, record shop, photo studio, barber shop, beauty shop, reducing salon, restaurant, delicatessen, bakery, grocery, meat market, supermarket, cold-storage locker service (individual), roadside sales stand, electrical appliance shop, radio-TV shop, dressmaker, millinery, tailor and pressing shop, shoe repair, dry cleaning shop, self-service laundry, laundry agency, billiard room, tavern, night club, and similar business uses
1 per 125 sq. ft. of floor
Fishing or hunting lodge
Greenhouse (commercial), facilities for raising or breeding non-farm fowl or animals (commercial), sales barn for livestock
1 per 3 employees, plus 1 per 125 sq. ft. of sales area
Home occupation
1 in addition to residence requirement
Home professional office
2 in addition to residence requirement
1 per 4 beds, plus 1 per doctor, plus 1 per 3 employees, plus 1 per hospital vehicle
1 per 3 employees, plus 1 per 2 sleeping rooms
Industrial park
1 per 2 employees on largest shift
Industrial uses generally
1 per 3 employees
Industrial waste facility
1 per employee per shift
Junk yard
1 per 2 employees
Kindergarten or day nursery
1 per 2 employees, plus 1 per 5 children
Mobile home park or travel trailer park
1 per 2 employees, plus 1 per mobile home or trailer stand
1 per 6 seats in main auditorium
1 per sleeping room
Nursing home or home for aged
1 per 7 persons
Outdoor commercial recreational use
1 per 3 employees, plus 1 per 500 sq. ft. of use area
Penal or correctional institution
1 per 3 employees, plus 1 per 10 inmates (capacity)
Police station or fire station
1 per 3 employees on shift
Private club or lodge
1 per 6 active members
Private recreational development
1 per 2 customers or members
Public camp
1 per campsite, plus 1 per cabin
Public library, museum, or municipal or government building
1 per 125 sq. ft. ground floor area of buildings
Public or commercial sewage disposal plant
1 per employee per shift
Radio or TV tower
1 per employee per shift
Railway right-of-way, railroad operational use
1 per 2 employees where headquartered
Railway station or motor bus station
1 per 10 seats in waiting room, plus 1 per 2 employees of connected retail use
Residential use, including farm tenant and farm seasonal worker housing
1½ per dwelling unit
Riding stable
1 per 5,000 sq. ft.
1 per 3 staff members, plus 1 per 6 auditorium seats
Shopping center
1 per 60 sq. ft. of sales area
1 per 2 employees
Stadium or coliseum
3 per 4 employees, plus 1 per 4 seats
Telephone exchange or public utility substation
1 per employee
Theater (indoor)
1 per 6 seats
Theater (outdoor)
1 per 2 employees
Tourist home
1 per 2 employees, plus 1 per sleeping accommodation
Truck freight terminal
1 per 2 employees, plus 4 per customer
Veterinary hospital for small animals or kennel
1 per 3 animal spaces (cage or pens)
Warehouse (grain elevator)
1 per 2 employees
Wholesale produce terminal
1 per 2 employees
(`88 Code, § 8-12, Table 6)  (Ord. 98-20, passed 11-10-98)