§ 153.044  PRIMARY PLAT.
   The subdivider shall provide a primary plat showing the following:
   (A)   Proposed name of the subdivision and its location;
   (B)   Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider, and the surveyor who prepared the plan;
   (C)   Layouts of lots, showing dimensions and numbers;
   (D)   Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds, or other public, semi-public, or community purposes;
   (E)   Contours at vertical intervals of two feet if the general slope of the site is less than 10%, and at vertical intervals of five feet if the general slope is greater than 10%;
   (F)   Tract boundary lines showing dimensions, bearing, angles, and references to section, township, and range lines or corners;
   (G)   Building setback or front yard lines;
   (H)   Legend and notes;
   (I)   Other features or conditions which would affect the subdivision favorably or adversely;
   (J)   Scale, north point, and date.  The primary plat of the subdivision shall be drawn to a scale of 50 feet to one inch; provided, however, that if the resulting drawing would be over 36 inches in the shortest dimension, a scale as recommended by the Commission may be used;
   (K)   A description of the protective covenants or private restrictions to be incorporated in the plat of the subdivision; and
   (L)   Statement that all disturbed areas, including but not limited to road shoulders, retention ponds, and retention dikes, shall be stabilized.
(`88 Code, § 8-90)  (Ord. 98-20, passed 11-10-98)
   In order to obtain secondary approval, the subdivider must present a plat containing the following information to the Commission.
   (A)   (1)   The original drawing of the secondary plat of the subdivision shall be drawn to a scale of 50 feet to one inch, provided that if the resulting drawing would be over 36 inches in the shortest dimension, a scale of 100 feet to one inch may be used. 
      (2)   Three black or blue line prints shall be submitted with the original plat, or in order to conform to modern drafting and reproduction methods, three black line prints and a reproducible print shall be submitted.  In addition, three black or blue line prints of the plan and profile of the roads and drainage improvements shall be submitted with the original plan and profile sheet(s). 
      (3)   Standard lettering shall be a minimum height of one-tenth of an inch; special fonts shall be a minimum height of one-eighth of an inch.
   (B)   The following basic information shall be shown on the drawing:
      (1)   Boundary lines, with dimensions and angles, which provide a survey of the tract, closing with an error of not more than one foot in 10,000 feet;
      (2)   Distances and directions to the nearest established street corners or official monuments.  Reference corners shall be accurately described on the plat;
      (3)   Locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract;
      (4)   Metes and bounds description of the boundary;
      (5)   Source of title of the applicant to the land as shown by the last entry in the books of the County Recorder;
      (6)   Street names;
      (7)   Complete curve notes for all curves included in the plan;
      (8)   Street lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, with angles to street, alley, and lot lines;
      (9)   Lot numbers and dimensions;
      (10)   Locations of easements for utilities and any limitations on the easements;
      (11)   Dimensions for any property to be dedicated or reserved for public, semi-public, or community use;
      (12)   Building setback or front yard lines and dimensions;
      (13)   Locations, type, materials, and size of all monuments and lot markers;
      (14)   Plans and specifications for the improvements and lot markers;
      (15)   Restrictions of all types which will run with the land and become covenants in deeds for lots;
      (16)   Name of the subdivision;
      (17)   Name and address of the owner and subdivider;
      (18)   North point, scale, and date;
      (19)   Certification by a registered land surveyor;
      (20)   Certification of dedication of streets and public property;
      (21)   Certificates for approval by the Commission;
      (22)   Certificate of approval by the Commission whenever new public rights-of-way are established; and
      (23)   Notice that all disturbed lands have been stabilized.
(`88 Code, § 8-91)
   (C)   The secondary plat shall contain the certificates shown in Appendix A
(`88 Code, § 8-93)  (Ord. 98-20, passed 11-10-98)
   (A)   A detailed as-built plan and profile of all proposed roads and drainage improvements showing the layout and gradients on standard plan and profile sheets shall be filed along with the secondary plat to the Commission.  The plan scale will be 50 feet to one inch, and the profile scale will be five feet to one inch.
   (B)   Requirements for plans shall apply as provided in this chapter, with the addition of an as- built stamp, date, and signature in the lower right portion of each sheet.
(`88 Code, § 8-92)  (Ord. 98-20, passed 11-10-98)
§ 153.047  SECONDARY BOND.
   (A)   The subdivider shall supply a bond for the cost of the surface asphalt layer and 125% to cover all repairs and asphalt laying at time of final approval, to the County Commissioners. 
   (B)   The bond shall run for a minimum of three years.
(`88 Code, § 8-94)  (Ord. 98-20, passed 11-10-98)