§ 153.022  SKETCH PLAT.
   (A)   Prior to the submission of a subdivision, the subdivider is encouraged to meet with the Plat Committee or Plan Commission.  The intent is to create an understanding between the subdivider and the Plan Commission which may help alleviate future misunderstandings and revision. 
   (B)   (1)   This meeting would allow the subdivider to inform the Plat Committee or Plan Commission of the nature of the proposed subdivision.
      (2)   Conversely, it affords the Plat Committee or Plan Commission the opportunity to acquaint the subdivider with the procedure for approval and inform him or her of potential problems between the proposed design and the requirements outlined in the code. 
   (C)   The subdivider may present a rough sketch plat of the proposed subdivision to the Plat Committee or Plan Commission.  The sketch plat may be especially useful to a subdivider who has a project which is unusually large and complex.
(`88 Code, § 8-79)  (Ord. 98-20, passed 11-10-98)