(A)   A majority of the members of the BZA who are qualified to vote shall constitute a quorum.  Action of the BZA shall not be official unless it is authorized at a regular or properly called special meeting by a majority of the entire membership of the BZA.
   (B)   Voting by the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be by roll call vote of the members.  All members present shall vote on every question unless they are permitted to abstain by the presiding officer.
   (C)   No member of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall participate in a hearing or decision of the BZA upon any zoning matter in which the member has a direct or indirect financial interest.  A member shall declare his or her known conflict of interest.  The BZA shall enter into its records the fact that the member has this disqualification, and the name of the alternative member, if any, who participates in the hearing or decision in place of the regular member.
   (D)   In the event a majority vote of the BZA cannot be achieved due to absences, permitted absenteeism, or disqualifications, the matter shall be rescheduled for the next regular meeting at the request of any BZA member, a petitioner, or a remonstrator.
(`88 Code, § 8-179)  (Ord. 98-20, passed 11-10-98)