Potential Pollution Source
Type of Potable Water Wells
Residential Wells
Non-Residential Non-Public
Public Wells
Potential Pollution Source
Type of Potable Water Wells
Residential Wells
Non-Residential Non-Public
Public Wells
Any building overhang to the horizontal center of the well
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
Building foundation
10 feet
10 feet
10 feet
Independent gear water drain, rainwater downspout, foundation drain, sump pump pit
10 feet
10 feet
10 feet
Sanitary sewer connected to foundation drain
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
Storm sewer connected to foundation drain
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
Property lines - also maintain minimum required distance from any source of contamination on adjoining properties
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
Private residential underground fuel oil tanks
100 feet
100 feet
100 feet
Stream, lake, pond, or ditch, river, shoreline or drainage tile
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
Sanitary sewers, force mains and drains
50 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Subsoil drain (absorption field perimeter drain), sewer pump, lift station
50 feet
50 feet
200 feet
Privies and outhouses (to be constructed and maintained in accordance with ISBH Bulletin No. S.E. 11 - The Sanitary Privy)
100 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Storm sewers
25 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Septic and aerobic digestion tanks and absorption fields
50 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Seepage pits
100 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Stables, feeding pens, livestock, runs, manure piles, etc.
100 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Confined feeding operation
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
Geothermal heat pump system diffusion well for a system using less than 25,000 gallons per day (17.4 gpm)
50 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Geothermal heat pump system diffusion well for a system using more than 25,000 gallons per day (17.4 gpm)
100 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Minimum separation distance between geothermal heat pump systems and sewer/septic tanks
100 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Above ground storage, handling, delivery or packaging areas for regulated substances
100 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Underground storage of regulated substances
100 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Concrete or membrane-lined agricultural waste pits
50 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Earthen agricultural waste pits, lagoons and holding ponds
500 feet
500 feet
500 feet
Composting facility active area
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
Land application of manure
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
Land application of final treated wastewater treatment plant effluent
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
Land application of domestic septage disposal
500 feet
500 feet
500 feet
Ridge and furrow waste disposal site
500 feet
500 feet
500 feet
Injection wells
50 feet
100 feet
200 feet
Septage or treated sludge disposal area
500 feet
500 feet
500 feet
Sewage treatment lagoons or wastewater treatment facility
500 feet
500 feet
500 feet
Existing, closed or abandoned solid or hazardous waste disposal facility (dumps/landfills)
1,000 feet
1,000 feet
1,000 feet
Construction/demolition sites, and IDEM Restricted Waste Site Types 1, 2, and 3 as defined in 329 IAC 2-2-54 and 329 IAN 2-10
600 feet
600 feet
1,000 feet
(Ord. 2015-06, passed 11-18-15)  Penalty, see § 53.99