Potential Pollution Source | Type of Potable Water Wells | ||
Residential Wells | Non-Residential Non-Public | Public Wells |
Potential Pollution Source | Type of Potable Water Wells | ||
Residential Wells | Non-Residential Non-Public | Public Wells | |
Any building overhang to the horizontal center of the well | 5 feet | 5 feet | 5 feet |
Building foundation | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Independent gear water drain, rainwater downspout, foundation drain, sump pump pit | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Sanitary sewer connected to foundation drain | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet |
Storm sewer connected to foundation drain | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet |
Property lines - also maintain minimum required distance from any source of contamination on adjoining properties | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet |
Private residential underground fuel oil tanks | 100 feet | 100 feet | 100 feet |
Stream, lake, pond, or ditch, river, shoreline or drainage tile | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet |
Sanitary sewers, force mains and drains | 50 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Subsoil drain (absorption field perimeter drain), sewer pump, lift station | 50 feet | 50 feet | 200 feet |
Privies and outhouses (to be constructed and maintained in accordance with ISBH Bulletin No. S.E. 11 - The Sanitary Privy) | 100 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Storm sewers | 25 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Septic and aerobic digestion tanks and absorption fields | 50 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Seepage pits | 100 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Stables, feeding pens, livestock, runs, manure piles, etc. | 100 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Confined feeding operation | 200 feet | 200 feet | 200 feet |
Geothermal heat pump system diffusion well for a system using less than 25,000 gallons per day (17.4 gpm) | 50 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Geothermal heat pump system diffusion well for a system using more than 25,000 gallons per day (17.4 gpm) | 100 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Minimum separation distance between geothermal heat pump systems and sewer/septic tanks | 100 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Above ground storage, handling, delivery or packaging areas for regulated substances | 100 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Underground storage of regulated substances | 100 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Concrete or membrane-lined agricultural waste pits | 50 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Earthen agricultural waste pits, lagoons and holding ponds | 500 feet | 500 feet | 500 feet |
Composting facility active area | 200 feet | 200 feet | 200 feet |
Land application of manure | 200 feet | 200 feet | 200 feet |
Land application of final treated wastewater treatment plant effluent | 200 feet | 200 feet | 200 feet |
Land application of domestic septage disposal | 500 feet | 500 feet | 500 feet |
Ridge and furrow waste disposal site | 500 feet | 500 feet | 500 feet |
Injection wells | 50 feet | 100 feet | 200 feet |
Septage or treated sludge disposal area | 500 feet | 500 feet | 500 feet |
Sewage treatment lagoons or wastewater treatment facility | 500 feet | 500 feet | 500 feet |
Existing, closed or abandoned solid or hazardous waste disposal facility (dumps/landfills) | 1,000 feet | 1,000 feet | 1,000 feet |
Construction/demolition sites, and IDEM Restricted Waste Site Types 1, 2, and 3 as defined in 329 IAC 2-2-54 and 329 IAN 2-10 | 600 feet | 600 feet | 1,000 feet |
(Ord. 2015-06, passed 11-18-15) Penalty, see § 53.99