For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDON. To terminate operations of a well for water supply, monitoring, dewatering or geothermal purpose and to restore the site of the well in a manner that will protect ground water resources from contamination.
   CONTAMINATION. The degradation of natural water quality as a result of human activities.
   DISINFECTION. The process of destroying pathogenic microorganisms, such as coliform bacteria.
   HEALTH OFFICER. The LaPorte County Health Department Health Officer or his/her duly authorized representative.
   NON -POTABLE WATER WELL. A well not to be used for drinking or culinary purpose including, but not limited to, irrigation wells, geothermal wells, monitoring wells, dewatering wells, waterscape wells, and fire suppression wells.
   NON-RESIDENTIAL/NON-PUBLIC WELL. Any well used to supply potable water that is not a public well or a residential well. Usually these are wells at commercial facilities where the water is used by less than 25 people or less than 60 days per year.
   PERSON. An individual, firm, corporation, company, or partnership.
   POTABLE WATER. Water that is suitable for drinking or culinary purpose.
   PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. Any wells, reservoirs, lakes, rivers, source of supply, pumps, mains, pipes, facilities and structures through which water is obtained, treated as may be required and provided to the public through a water distribution system and that serves at least 25 persons per day for at least 60 days per year for drinking, domestic use, or other purposes, including state owned facilities, or that has at least 15 service connections.
   PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM (PWS). Any collection, treatment, storage, or distribution facility used primarily to provide water to a public water supply.
   PUBLIC WELL. Any well serving a public water system.
   PUMP INSTALLER. Any person that installs a pump for a well or services a pump for a well.
   PUMP REPLACEMENT. Replacing the pump on a well.
   RESIDENTIAL WELL. Any privately owned well intended to be used for potable water in either a one or two family dwelling.
   ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM. Any arrangement of devices and structures used for receiving, treating and disposing of sewage.
   TEMPORARY WELL. A well installed to monitor or collect hydrogeological or engineering data.
   WATER WELL. Any excavation, whether drilled, bored, driven, jetted, or dug for the purpose of obtaining water from the ground, or returning water to the ground, or for the purpose of testing the quantity or quality of such water.
   WELL DRILLER. Any individual, partnership, firm or corporation that produces, or contracts to construct a well.
   WELL DRILLING. Any operation that produces or attempts to produce a well.
(Ord. 2015-06, passed 11-18-15)