(A)   A County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, referred to as the interjurisdictional disaster emergency plan by I.C. 10-4-1-100, shall be adopted by resolution of the County Board of Commissioners. In the preparation of this Plan, as it pertains to county organization, it is the intent that the services, equipment, facilities and personnel of all existing departments and agencies shall be utilized to the fullest extent possible.
   (B)   The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan shall include, at minimum, the following:
      (1)   An administrative section which includes
         (a)   Authorities and directives.
         (b)   Terms and definitions.
         (c)    Acronyms/abbreviations.
         (d)   Financial management.
      (2)   A hazards specific section which includes:
         (a)   Unique hazards.
         (b)   Special events.
      (3)   An operations section which includes:
         (a)   Coordination and control emergency support function.
         (b)   Communications and warning emergency support function.
         (c)   Public information emergency support function.
         (d)   Resource management emergency support function.
         (e)   Information and planning emergency support function.
      (4)   An emergency services section which includes:
         (a)   Military emergency support function.
         (b)   Law enforcement emergency support function.
         (c)   Firefighting emergency support function.
         (d)   Transportation emergency support function.
         (e)   Health and medical emergency support function.
         (f)   Search and rescue emergency support function.
         (g)   Public works/engineering emergency support function.
      (5)   A consequent effects section which includes:
         (a)   Evacuation emergency support function.
         (b)   Shelter/mass care emergency support function.
         (c)   Damage assessment emergency support function.
         (d)   Hazardous materials emergency support function.
         (e)   Radiological protection emergency support function.
         (f)   Energy emergency support function.
   (C)   In addition, all emergency services within the county shall:
      (1)   Develop standard operating procedures, standard operating guides and checklists that are drafted subject to the requirements of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan;
      (2)   Coordinate standard operating procedures, standard operating guides and checklists with the Department of Emergency Management;
      (3)   Assure inclusion of the standard operating procedures, standard operating guides and checklists within the county Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan;
      (4)   Perform the functions and duties assigned by the County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan; and
      (5)   Maintain their portion of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan in a current state of readiness at all times.
(Ord. 2013-02A, passed 5-15-13)