(A)   Only legitimate inquiries from appropriate identifiable sources will be processed. 
   (B)   The staff shall answer all inquiries and may provide information only as indicated below.
      (1)   Verification that the employee is or is not employed and the dates of hire and/or termination may be provided.
      (2)   Phone numbers and addresses of park personnel shall not be divulged.
      (3)   (a)   In the event of an emergency, discretion and sound judgment shall be used in releasing information normally held to be of a confidential nature. 
         (b)   Infractions of the normal procedures due to emergencies will be noted and filed in the employee’s personnel file immediately.  The employee shall be notified of such actions.
      (4)   If any information other than the above is requested, written permission must be obtained from the employee before the information is released.  A copy of the written permission is to be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
(Policy passed 6-13-95)