(A)   As a public agency, the Department’s business is public business, and therefore, the public has a right to information concerning the Department’s operation.
   (B)   Whenever feasible, all news and information should be released to the news media through the Superintendent or his or her appointed spokesperson.
      (1)   Staff members are encouraged to be cooperative and helpful in providing information to the general public, public officials, and the news media. 
      (2)   At no time should personal opinion be voiced in place of, or in addition to, the established facts.  This does not mean that other staff members cannot talk with or deal with the news media.
   (C)   In the case of accidents, injuries, or fatalities and felonies (which are generally investigated by either federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies), all inquiries should be directed to the appropriate investigating agency.
   (D)   In order to keep the public better informed, staff members are encouraged to bring ideas for stories and news releases to the attention of the Superintendent.
   (E)   (1)   If there are any instances where a staff member is dealing with the media, and there is not sufficient information available, or the material is not ready for release, the media should be told there is not sufficient information available and that the information will be released as soon as possible.
      (2)   If this should occur, it shall be followed up.  It is absolutely imperative that if one promises information at a certain time, one delivers that information.
(Policy passed 6-13-95)