Wellhead Protection and Flood Damage Prevention
Editor's note: Wellhead Protection is an overlay of basic Zoning as shown on the Zoning map. It will be applied to only those areas designated as being within proximity of City of Lancaster well fields, where a spill of toxic or potentially dangerous substances could degrade the water supply of the City. The City currently has designated Wellhead Protection Districts and regulations. This Chapter incorporates the existing Wellhead Protection legislation from Chapter 1335 of the Lancaster Codified Ordinances.
Editor's note: Flood Plain Zoning is an overlay of basic Zoning as shown on the Zoning map. It will be applied to only those areas designated by Federal Emergency Management Agency as being subject to flooding. The City currently has Flood Damage Prevention legislation. The Flood Damage Prevention legislation is found in Chapter 1331 of the Lancaster Codified Ordinances. Chapter 1331 is included as part of the Zoning Ordinance in order to show the relationship of flood damage prevention to Zoning and development issues within the City of Lancaster.