(a)    For the purposes of providing a proper arrangement of streets and assuring the adequacy of open spaces for traffic, utilities, and access of emergency vehicles, commensurate with the intensification of land use customarily incident to a change in Zoning, a platting requirement is established as follows:
   (b)    For any land which has been rezoned to a Zoning classification other than AG upon application of a private party, no building permit or Zoning Clearance Permit shall be issued until that portion of the tract on which the permit is sought has been included in a required subdivision plat or replat, as the case may be, submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission, and filed of record in the Office of the Fairfield County Recorder. Provided that the Planning Commission, pursuant to their exclusive jurisdiction over subdivision plats, may remove this platting requirement upon determining that the above purposes have been achieved by previous platting or could not be achieved by a plat or replat.
(Ord. 15-23. Passed 8-14-23.)