As used in this chapter:
   (a)   “Above storage tank” means any tank, pipe or other vessel, used singularly or in combination, at least ninety percent (90%) of which is above the surface of the ground and used for materials holding, storage or containment.
   (b)   “Aquifer” means a consolidated or unconsolidated geologic formation or series of formations that are hydraulically interconnected and that have the ability to receive, store or transmit water to wells or springs.
   (c)   “Bulk storage” means the holding or containment of dry, semi-dry or liquid materials in large quantities, either packaged or loose, usually dispensed in smaller quantities for sale, use or consumption. Large quantities is defined as “quantities greater than those associated with normal household use”. Normal household use is the amount of regulated substance a prudent person would have available in their home (or office) for performing routine cleaning, insect control, or use at a place of residence.
   (d)   “City” means the municipal corporation of the City of Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio.
   (e)   “Contaminant” means any substance which, if introduced into ground water, would degrade the quality of said water.
   (f)   “Five year time-of-travel zone” means the area around the public water supply wellfield delineated by the five year time-of-travel contour.
   (g)   “Ground water” means any water below the surface of the earth in a zone of saturation.
   (h)   “Hazardous wastes” means wastes that are listed specifically as hazardous and/or exhibits one or more characteristics of hazardous wastes as defined by OAC 3745-51.
   (i)   “One year time-of-travel zone” means the area around the public water supply wellfields delineated by the one year time-of-travel contour.
   (j)   “Potable water” means water which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes.
   (k)   “Time-of-travel contour” means a series of points when connected together form a boundary from which water takes an equal amount of time to reach a given destination such as a well or wellfield.
   (l)   “UST” means one or any combination of tanks, including underground pipes connected thereto, that are used to contain an accumulation of regulated substances, the volume of which, including the volume of underground pipes connected thereto, is ten percent (10%) or more beneath the surface of the ground, as defined in OAC 1301:7-9-02.
   (m)   “Well” meas any excavation, regardless of design or method of construction, used for the purpose of removing ground water from an aquifer, or for the purpose of determining the quality, quantity or level of ground water on a continuing basis.
   (n)   “Wellfield” means track of land that contains a number of wells for supplying water.
   (o)   “Wellhead Protection Zones Map” means an official map adopted by the City, and delineated to indicate the area(s) of the City which lie inside the wellhead protection zones.
   (p)   “Ground water professional” means any person certified by the American Institute of Professional Geologists to conduct hydrogeologic studies.
   (q)   “Nonconforming facility or use” means any facility or land use which, if new, would not be allowed under the provisions of Ordinance 40-94, passed November 28, 1994, or this chapter. It includes structures and land uses which became located within WHPZ1 and WHPZ2 because of a change in the zone boundaries or by the adoption of this chapter.
   (r)   “Wellhead Protection Zone 1 (WHPZ1)” means at a minimum, the area within the one year time-of-travel contour. The boundary can be changed to add areas outside the one year time-of-travel contour to ease its definition (i.e. use of street boundaries).
   (s)   “Wellhead Protection Zone 2 (WHPZ2)” means at a minimum, the area within or inside the five year time-of-travel contour, and outside the one year time-of- travel contour. The boundary can be changed to add area outside the five year time-of-travel contour to ease its definition (i.e. use of street boundaries).
   (t)   “Regulated substances” shall include but not be limited to the following:
      (1)   Every substance, material or waste found listed in 40CFR Part 261 or 40CFR Part 302;
      (2)   All materials which exhibit the characteristics of hazardous waste (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity and toxicity) as identified in 40CFR Part 261;
      (3)   Petroleum products, including fuels and waste oils; and
      (4)   Any solid or semi-solid material which, if left to stand or if exposed to water will leach out or wholly or partially dissolve forming hazardous materials as defined in subsections (1), (2) or (3).
         (Ord. 61-97. Passed 10-13-97.)