(a) When the proposed earth-disturbing activity includes less than one acre, it is not necessary to submit a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWP3). The developer shall incorporate best management practices into the site development plan submitted for approval. When the proposed earth-disturbing activity includes less than one acre and the development is exclusively one-, two- and three family housing not part of a larger development, it is not necessary to submit a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWP3). Compliance with the other provisions of this chapter is required.
(b) Where to post development stormwater discharge increases by less than one cubic foot per second (1 cfs) in a 100 year storm event, no stream channel and floodplain erosion is required under Section 919.12, Compliance with the other provisions of this chapter is required. (Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)
In order to control sediment pollution of water resources, the owner or person responsible for the development area shall use conservation planning and practices to maintain the level of conservation established by standards set forth by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation and the City Engineer.
(a) Development shall comply with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency General Construction Permit.
(b) Discharges from dewatering activities, including discharges from dewatering trenches and excavations, are prohibited unless managed by appropriate controls.
(c) Development shall design, install, implement and maintain effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutions from equipment and vehicle washing, exposure of building materials and construction waste.
(d) The following discharges are prohibited
(1) Wastewater from washout of concrete, unless managed by an appropriate control;
(2) Wastewater from washout and cleanout of stucco, paint, from release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials;
(3) Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance; and
(4) Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing.
(Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)
To control pollution of public waters by soil sediment from accelerated sheet and rill erosion of development areas, the person responsible shall:
(a) Construct and maintain sediment basins sized in accordance with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources handbook, "Rainfall and Land Development"; or
(b) Use other Best Management Practices designed in accordance with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources handbook "Rainfall and Land Development" to control sediment pollution, provided those methods are acceptable to the City.
(c) Stabilize disturbed areas in accordance with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency General Construction Permit.
(Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)
To control pollution of public waters by soil sediment from accelerated erosion in drainageways, grassed waterways, streams and ditches disturbed or modified in conjunction with the development process, the person responsible for the change shall:
(a) Design, construct and maintain sediment basins sized in accordance with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources handbook, "Rainwater and Land Development"; or,
(b) Use other Best Management Practices designed in accordance with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources handbook "Rainfall and Land Development" to control sediment pollution provided those methods are acceptable to the City.
(c) Stabilize disturbed areas in accordance with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency General Construction Permit.
(Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)