As used in this chapter:
   (a)   “Peddler” means any person who travels door to door either by foot, automobile, truck, or any other type of conveyance and calls upon private residents, including any house, apartment or other dwelling within the City, taking or attempting to take orders for profit for the sale of goods, wares, and merchandise or personal property of any nature whatsoever for immediate or future delivery or for services to be furnished and/or performed immediately or in the future.
      (1)   “Street peddler” means a peddler that sells or offers for sale food, beverages, merchandise or service on public property or right of way as further defined in Section 751.06(a). Street peddlers are stationary peddlers and are often referred to as street vendors.
   (b)   “Solicitor” means any person who seeks to obtain funds for any cause whatsoever by traveling door to door either by foot, automobile, truck, or any type of conveyance and calling upon private residences including any house, apartment or other dwelling within the City.
   (c)   “Canvasser” means any person who obtains or influences the opinions of the residents of the City by traveling door to door either by foot, automobile, truck or other type of conveyance and calling upon private residences including any house, apartment or other dwelling in the City, but does not seek to obtain funds for any cause whatsoever.
   (d)   “Charitable” means and includes the words patriotic, philanthropic, social service, welfare, eleemosynary, benevolent, educational, civic, fraternal, veterans, medical and social research, either actual or purported.
   (e)   “Religious” as used herein for organizations registered with the Secretary of State religious organization and given its community accepted definition. Charitable organizations are excluded from this definition.
      (Ord. 34-07. Passed 6-25-07.)