Every applicant for an exhibitor's license and registration shall file an affidavit with the Mayor prior to receiving such license and registration stating the number of machines intended to be exhibited, together with affidavit as to good moral character as required by Section 731.04. Upon payment of the fees required by this chapter, the Mayor shall issue a license and registration which shall contain the name and address of the licensee, the number of mechanical amusement devices exhibited, the address at which it is desired to exhibit and operate the devices, the nature of the business conducted at such place, the make, name, model and other identifying information with reference to the particular devices desired to be exhibited, the serial number of the license, and such other information as the Mayor, in his discretion, may require. Such license and registration shall be displayed by the exhibitor in a conspicuous place within his place of business and in close proximity to the mechanical amusement devices licensed and registered therein. A licensee desiring to exhibit additional mechanical amusement devices shall apply for a license and registration to cover the exhibition of such additional mechanical amusement devices in the manner above set forth and shall pay the fees required by this chapter for the exhibition of any such additional mechanical amusement devices.
   All licenses for one year shall expire on the anniversary date of issuance in the follow ing year, unless earlier revoked by the Mayor.
   No license fee shall be charged for mechanical amusement devices exhibited and operated solely for the benefit of a charitable, benevolent, religious or eleemosynary institution.
   This chapter shall not be applicable to owners and exhibitors having machines on the Fairfield County Fairgrounds during the days when the Fairfield County Fair is in session.
   The Mayor is authorized and empowered to deny, for reasonable cause, applications far licenses.
(Ord. 33-53. Passed 6-8-53.)