All auction sales shall be held on successive days, Sundays and legal holidays excepted. Satisfactory evidence shall be submitted to the Mayor that the property proposed to be sold is a bona fide part of the applicant's stock in trade and was not secured, purchased or brought into such place of business for, or in anticipation of, such sale. No person shall, during the progress of any auction sale, replenish his stock by substitutions, fill-ins or goods of any character. On the day preceding the commencement of any such auction sale, the licensee shall file with the Mayor a complete inventory of stock to be sold. At the close of each day's business and before the opening of the next day's sale, the licensee shall file with the Mayor an itemized list of the articles sold on the previous day's sale, which list shall identify such articles on the inventory. Failure to file such sales list shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and the right to conduct further sales under such license shall be suspended during such delinquency.
(1939 R.O., 4:02)