(a)   No person shall willfully permit a junk motor vehicle to remain in the open on private property which the person owns, occupies, or controls after receipt of an order to remove the junk motor vehicle. The order shall state that a hearing appealing the order to remove the junk motor vehicle may be had, shall describe the vehicle to be removed, and shall be served by a code official designated by the Mayor or by the Director of Public Service or his designee in any manner provided by the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure.
   (b)   If any recipient of an order to remove a junk motor vehicle shall fail to appeal the same to the Service-Safety Director in writing within ten days after the receipt of the order, it shall be conclusively presumed to establish the junk motor vehicle as a nuisance and the junk motor vehicle shall be removed immediately upon order by a code official designated by the Mayor, the Fire Department, Police Department, or their designee. The fact that a junk motor vehicle is left on private property without the filing of an appeal by the recipient of an order to remove a junk motor vehicle is prima facie evidence of willful failure to comply with the order.
(Ord. 12-02. Passed 4-22-02.)
   (c)   No person shall leave a junk motor vehicle for any period of time on private property to which such person does not have the right of possession without the authorization of the person having the right of possession of such property.
(Ord. 21-97. Passed 4-28-97.)