A.    The city council of the city of Lanark has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of Lanark that a periodic collection of garbage, recycling items and yard waste from all residential dwellings within the city of Lanark and from businesses as defined in subsequent paragraphs of this article benefits all of the citizens of the city of Lanark. Therefore garbage/recycling/yard waste collection service as outlined in this article is mandatory for all occupants or persons in possession, charge of or control of residential dwellings and businesses as defined in this article within the city of Lanark from which garbage is created, accumulated or produced.
   B.    Occupants or persons in possession, charge or control of residential dwellings within the city may remove and transport their own garbage/recycling items/yard waste, but shall receive no credit on their accounts for doing so.
   C.    All businesses, commercial and industrial entities which produce a limited amount of garbage similar in nature to a residential dwelling such as small offices and stores with limited amounts of garbage shall be billed in the same manner as a residential unit and shall abide by the same rules set forth herein with regard to amount of garbage to be picked up. The larger entities which will regularly exceed the three (3) container limit shall be responsible for making their own arrangements for the removal of garbage from the city. (Ord. 820, 11-7-2006)