The cemetery board of managers shall have powers and authority conferred upon them by 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-52.1-1 subject however to the limitations of the ordinances of the City of Lanark. The board of managers may:
A. Make such bylaws and rules as may be necessary for their own governing and for the full and complete execution of their powers and duties for control and operation of the cemetery.
B. Pass regulations establishing the duties, privileges and obligations of lot owners and visitors to the cemetery.
C. Select, hire and compensate employees, including but not limited to a cemetery sexton. The cemetery board of managers will supervise all cemetery employees with regard to all activities.
D. Have direct charge of the business and expenditures made on the cemetery. Sums paid by the cemetery board of managers to the City for payment of the Sexton and/or other City of Lanark maintenance employees and/or other cemetery employees shall be paid by the City of Lanark Treasurer pursuant to the directions of the Lanark City Council. (Ord. 807, 1-17-2006; amd. Ord. 985, 6-15-2021; Ord. 987, 8-17-2021; Ord. 994, 2-21-2023)