In order to classify, regulate and restrict the location of trade and industry, and the location of buildings designated for specific uses, to protect residential uses, to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered, to regulate and limit the intensity of the use of lot areas, and to regulate and determine the areas of yards and open space within and surrounding such buildings, the City is hereby divided into zoning districts. The use, height and area regulations shall be uniform in each zoning district, and said zoning districts shall be known as:
   A.   Agricultural/Rural Districts:
      A-P, Agricultural Preserve District
      RA, Rural/Agricultural District
      RAO, Rural/Agricultural Overlay District
   B.   Residential Districts:
      RS-1, Single-Family Residential District
      RS-2, Single-Family Residential District
      RS-3, Single-Family Residential District
      RS-4, Single-Family Residential District
      RS-CBD, Single-Family Residential - Central Business District
      RSMH, Single-Family Manufactured Home Park District
      RST-1, Single- and Two-Family Residential District
      RST-2, Single- and Two-Family Residential District
      RM-1, Medium-Density Residential District
      RM-2, Medium-Density Residential District
      RM-3, Medium-Density Residential District
      RH-1, Multiple-Family Residential District
      RH-2, Multiple-Family Residential District
      RH-CBD, High Density Residential District - Central Business District
   C.   Mixed Use Districts:
      M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District
      M-2, Mixed Use Cedar Corridor District
   D.   Commercial Districts:
      O-R, Office/Residential Transition District
      C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District
      C-2, Highway Commercial District
      C-3, General Commercial District
      C-CBD, Commercial - Central Business District
      O-P, Office Park District
   E.   Industrial Districts:
      I-CBD, Industrial - Central Business District
      I-1, Light Industrial District
      I-2, General Industrial District
      I-3, Airport Industrial Zoning District
   F.   Special Districts:
      PUD, Planned Unit Development District
      P-OS, Public and Open Space District
   G.   Environmental Protection Districts:
      FP, Floodplain Overlay District
      S, Shoreland Overlay District
(Ord. 867, sec. 92, 5-17-2010; amd. Ord. 976, 3-6-2017; Ord. 1031, 6-1-2020; Ord. 1047, 6-7-2021)