The following standards shall apply to all accessory and secondary use antennas including radio and television receiving antennas, satellite dishes, TVROs (television receive only) two meters (2 m) or less in diameter, shortwave radio dispatching antennas, or those necessary for the operation of electronic equipment including radio and television receivers, but not including antennas used in the amateur radio service regulated by section 11-30-13 of this chapter.
   A.   Single satellite TVROs accessory to a residential use shall not exceed one meter (1 m) in diameter except as provided for by section 11-30-15 of this chapter.
   B.   Accessory and secondary use antennas used for federally licensed amateur radio stations or for the amateur radio service shall be regulated by section 11-30-13 of this chapter.
   C.   Accessory or secondary use antennas shall not be erected in any required yard (except a rear yard) or within public or private utility and drainage easements, or buffer yard, and shall be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from all lot lines.
   D.   Guywires or guywire anchors shall not be erected within public or private utility and drainage easements, and shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from all lot lines.
   E.   The height of accessory or secondary use antennas and necessary support structures or towers, whether freestanding or mounted on another structure, may extend a maximum of fifteen feet (15') above the height restriction for the affected zoning district. A height greater than fifteen feet (15') above the height restriction for the affected zoning district may be allowed by approval of an interim use permit provided that the additional height is the minimum required for the antenna to function properly. (Ord. 867, sec. 83, 5-17-2010)