11-30-9: SETBACKS:
All towers shall comply with each of the minimum setback requirements:
   A.   Towers shall meet the principal structure setbacks of the underlying zoning district with the exception of industrial zoning districts, where the tower may encroach into the rear setback area, provided that the rear property line abuts another industrial use and zoning district and the tower does not encroach upon any easements.
   B.   Setback requirements for all personal wireless service or commercial and public radio and television transmitting antennas, public safety communication antennas, and public utility towers, may be reduced or its location in relation to a public street modified at the discretion of the city council, to allow the integration of the structure into an existing or proposed structure, such as a light standard, power line support device, or similar structure. (Ord. 674, sec. 1, 7-17-2000)