All rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment of residential buildings having five (5) units or more and of nonresidential buildings shall comply with the following standards:
A. All rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened so as to mitigate noise in compliance with section 11-16-25 of this title.
B. All rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be designed (including exterior color) and located so as to be aesthetically harmonious and compatible with the building. Screening of and landscaping around the equipment may be required where the design, color, and location of the equipment are found to not effectively buffer noise or provide aesthetic harmony and compatibility. Screening shall be constructed of durable materials which are aesthetically compatible with the structure and which may be an integral part of the structure. Applicable requirements for access to the equipment shall be observed in the design and construction of the screening.
C. Rooftop mechanical equipment less than three feet (3') in height may be exempt from screening requirements by the zoning administrator. (Ord. 674, sec. 1, 7-17-2000)