11-20-5: LOCATION:
   A.   All required loading areas shall be off street and located on the same lot as the building or use to be served.
   B.   It must be demonstrated that semitrailer truck deliveries will not occur at the site or all deliveries will occur at such a time as to not conflict with customer or employee access to the building and parking demand.
   C.   All maneuvering for off street loading shall be accomplished on private property and the area required for maneuvering shall not use any of that portion of the site containing parking stalls or customer service areas.
   D.   Access to loading areas from public streets shall comply with standards established by Section 11-19-7.I.6 of this title.
   E.   Loading areas shall not occupy the required front yard setbacks in residential districts and the front yards in commercial and industrial districts, except as provided herein.
   F.   Loading areas located at the front or side of buildings on a corner lot shall be reviewed and approved in the following manner:
      1.   Industrial Zoning Districts: Within the I-CBD, I-1, and I-2 zoning districts, loading areas located at the front of a building or side of a building located on a corner may be allowed by administrative permit subject to the following conditions:
         a.   Loading areas shall not conflict with pedestrian movement.
         b.   Loading areas shall not obstruct the view of the public right of way from off street parking access.
         c.   Loading areas shall comply with all other requirements of this chapter.
         d.   Loading areas and associated staging areas shall be screened from the abutting public rights of way. Said screening shall consist of either a screening fence or a greenbelt planting strip as provided for by section 11-21-9 of this title.
      2.   Commercial And Public Zoning Districts: Within the M-1, M-2, O-R, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-CBD, O-P, and P-OS zoning districts, loading areas shall be located in side or rear yards away from public rights of way. Where physical conditions unique to the site warrant, loading areas may be located at the front or side of a building located on a corner lot by conditional use permit subject to the following conditions:
         a.   Loading areas shall not conflict with pedestrian movement.
         b.   Loading areas shall not obstruct the view of the public right of way from off street parking access.
         c.   Loading areas shall comply with all other requirements of this chapter.
         d.   Loading areas and associated staging areas shall be screened from the abutting public rights of way. Said screening shall consist of either a screening fence or a greenbelt planting strip as provided for by section 11-21-9 of this title.
   G.   Setbacks:
      1.   Minimum setback required from property lines:
Land Use
Land Use
From private drives
All districts
Front yard and side yard abutting a street setback of parking and drive to lot line
RS and RST districts
RM districts - guest parking for townhouse uses
RM districts - all other required parking
RH districts - guest parking for townhouse uses
RH districts - all other required parking
C-CBD district
All other commercial and mixed use districts
Industrial districts
Interior side and rear yard setback of parking to lot line
All residential districts
Commercial districts
Industrial districts
      2.   Joint or combined parking facilities on separate lots as authorized and when constructed adjacent to a common lot line separating two (2) or more parking areas are not required to observe the parking area setback from such common lot line. For commercial and industrial uses, side and rear yard setbacks shall be increased to front yard setback requirements when such side or rear yard abuts an R district.
      3.   Except for uses allowed within residential districts, or unless located within a structure, loading areas established after August 1, 2000, shall be prohibited within one hundred feet (100') of residentially zoned or guided property unless completely screened by an intervening building. Loading areas not screened by an intervening building shall be screened from adjacent residentially zoned or guided property by the use of berms, fences, or walls to provide one hundred percent (100%) opacity to a height of at least ten feet (10'). (Ord. 1031, 6-1-2020)