A.   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to encourage and facilitate use of electric vehicles, expedite establishment of convenient, cost-effective electric vehicle infrastructure, and establish minimum requirements for such infrastructure to serve both short term and long term parking needs.
   B.   Allowed Use:
      1.   Public or private access Level 1 and level 2 electric vehicle charging stations shall be allowed in all zoning districts established by Chapter 45 of this title as incidental to permitted accessory off-street parking areas.
      2.   Public or private access to level 3 electric vehicle charging stations shall be allowed only for permitted accessory off-street parking for commercial, industrial, and institutional uses.
   C.   Public EVCS Provisions:
      1.   Electric vehicle charging stations shall be located so as to be visible to the public for information and security purposes.
      2.   Electric vehicle charging stations shall be located in desirable and convenient parking locations that will serve as an incentive for the use of electric vehicles.
      3.   Electric vehicle charging stations shall be operational during the normal business hours of the use(s) that it is accessory to, but may be de-energized or made inoperable after normal business hours.
      4.   Electric Vehicle Charging Station Design Standards:
         a.   Battery charging station outlets and connector devices shall be mounted to comply with applicable building codes and relevant Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
         b.   Electric vehicle supply equipment shall be located adjacent to designated parking stalls without encroaching into the required dimensions of the parking stall.
         c.   Electric vehicle supply equipment shall not impede pedestrian travel or create trip hazards on sidewalks.
         d.   Battery charging stations shall be elevated six inches (6") above the traveled surface of the site.
         e.   Battery charging station setbacks:
            (1)   From rights-of-way:      30 feet
            (2)   Side or rear lot lines:   10 feet
      5.   Operation:
         a.   Battery charging stations shall be maintained in all respects, including operation of the equipment. A phone number or other contact information shall be displayed on the face of the battery charging station for reporting problems with the equipment or access to it.
         b.   The owner may collect usage fees for access to the battery charging station.
   D.   Provision of electric vehicle parking stalls shall not be required within the number of stalls required by section 11-19-13 of this title. (Ord. 1031, 6-1-2020)