The information required for all site plan applications generally consists of the following items, and shall be submitted unless waived by the zoning administrator.
   A.   Site boundaries, buildings, structures and other improvements shall be identified on site with a current certificate of survey, prepared and signed by a Minnesota licensed land surveyor, depicting the following:
      1.   Scale of plan (engineering scale only), at one inch equals fifty feet (1" = 50') or less.
      2.   North point indication.
      3.   Existing boundaries with lot dimension and area.
      4.   Existing site improvements.
      5.   All encroachments.
      6.   Easements of record.
      7.   Legal description of the property.
      8.   Ponds, lakes, springs, rivers or other waterways bordering on or running through the subject property.
   B.   A site plan utilizing a copy of the current certificate of survey as a base for the site in question, depicting the following:
      1.   Name and address of developer/owner.
      2.   Name and address of architect/designer.
      3.   Date of plan preparation.
      4.   Dates and description of all revisions.
      5.   Name of project or development.
      6.   All proposed improvements, including:
         a.   Required and proposed setbacks.
         b.   Location, setback and dimensions of all proposed buildings and structures.
         c.   Location of all adjacent buildings located within one hundred feet (100') of the exterior boundaries of the property in question.
         d.   Location, number, dimensions, and setbacks of proposed parking spaces and drive aisles.
         e.   Location, number, and dimensions of proposed loading spaces.
         f.   Location, width, and setbacks of all curb cuts and driveways.
         g.   Vehicular circulation.
         h.   Sidewalks, walkways, trails.
         i.   Location and type of all proposed lighting, including details of all proposed fixtures.
         j.   Location of recreation and service areas.
         k.   Location of rooftop equipment and proposed screening.
         l.   Provisions for storage and disposal of waste, garbage, and recyclables, including details for screening exterior trash/recycling enclosures.
         m.   Location, sizing, and type of water and sewer system mains and proposed service connections.
   C.   Grading/stormwater drainage plan, utilizing a copy of the current certificate of survey as a base for the site in question, prepared and signed by a Minnesota licensed engineer, depicting the following:
      1.   Existing contours at two foot (2') intervals (may be prepared by a Minnesota licensed surveyor).
      2.   Proposed grade elevations at two foot (2') maximum intervals.
      3.   Drainage plan, including the configuration of drainage areas and calculations.
      4.   Storm sewer, catch basins, invert elevations, type of castings, and type of materials.
      5.   Spot elevations (may be prepared by a Minnesota licensed surveyor).
      6.   Proposed driveway grades.
      7.   Surface water ponding and treatment areas.
      8.   Erosion control measures.
   D.   Landscaping plan, utilizing a copy of the current certificate of survey as a base for the site in question, depicting the following:
      1.   Planting schedule (table) containing:
         a.   Symbols.
         b.   Quantities.
         c.   Common names.
         d.   Botanical names.
         e.   Sizes of plant material.
         f.   Root specification (bare root, balled and burlapped, potted, etc.).
         g.   Special planting instructions.
      2.   Location, type and size of all existing significant trees to be removed or preserved.
      3.   Planting detail (show all species to scale at normal mature crown diameter or spread for local hardiness zone).
      4.   Typical sections with details of fences, tie walls, planter boxes, tot lots, picnic areas, berms and the like.
      5.   Typical sections with details of landscape islands, planter beds, and foundation plantings with identification of materials used.
      6.   Note indicating how disturbed soil areas will be restored through the use of sodding, seeding, or other techniques.
      7.   Delineation of both sodded and seeded areas with respective areas in square feet.
      8.   Coverage plan for underground irrigation system, if any.
      9.   Where landscape or manmade materials are used to provide screening from adjacent and neighboring properties, a cross- through section shall be provided showing the perspective of the site from the neighboring property at the property line elevation.
      10.   Other existing or proposed conditions which could be expected to affect landscaping.
   E.   Other plans and information as required by the zoning administrator including, but not limited to:
      1.   Architectural elevations of all principal and accessory buildings (type, color, and materials used in all external surfaces).
      2.   "Typical" floor plan and "typical" room plan drawn to scale with a summary of square footage for each use or activity.
      3.   Fire protection plan.
      4.   Extent of and any proposed modifications to land within the environmental protection districts, as established by chapter 45 of this title.
      5.   Type, location and size (area and height) of all signs to be erected upon the property in question.
      6.   Vicinity map showing the subject property in reference to nearby highways or major street intersections.
      7.   Sound source control plan.
      8.   Lighting plan. (Ord. 674, sec. 1, 7-17-2000)