11-9-5: SKETCH PLAN:
   A.   Prior to the formulation of a site plan, applicants may present a sketch plan to the zoning administrator prior to filing of a formal application. The plan shall be conceptual but shall be drawn to scale with topography of a contour interval not greater than two feet (2') and may include the following:
      1.   The proposed site with reference to existing development, topography, and drainage conditions on adjacent properties, at least to within two hundred feet (200').
      2.   Natural features.
      3.   General location of existing and proposed structures including signs.
      4.   Tentative access, circulation and street arrangements, both public and private.
      5.   Amenities to be provided such as recreational areas, open space, walkways, landscaping, etc.
      6.   General location of parking areas.
      7.   Proposed public sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage.
      8.   A statement showing the proposed density of the project with the method of calculating said density also shown.
      9.   Extent of and any proposed modifications to land within the special environmental protection districts as established by chapter 45 of this title.
      10.   Other items as may be deemed necessary by the zoning administrator.
   B.   Any opinions or comments provided to the applicant by the zoning administrator in relation to the sketch plan shall be considered advisory only and shall not constitute a binding decision on the request. (Ord. 867, sec. 14, 5-17-2010)