A.   Each organization that seeks to conduct lawful gambling in the city of Lakeville shall complete the city's application form, submit copies of all state or city gambling application forms, all records and reports required to be filed with the state gambling control board pursuant to Minnesota statutes, chapter 349, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and submit any additional information required by the city.
   B.   Any organization leasing premises for the conduct of lawful gambling shall, upon request from the city, file with the city a copy of the lease within one week after execution of the lease. The lease shall not provide for rental payments based on a percentage of receipts or profits from lawful gambling.
   C.   Upon receipt of an application for a premises permit or renewal thereof, the police chief shall review the application, conduct a background investigation, and make a recommendation to the city council. As part of the investigation, the police chief shall obtain from the applicant or the board the data and background information submitted by the applicant as part of the state licensing and premises permit application.
   D.   Every gambling event in the city of Lakeville conducted by an organization under state license shall be open to inspection by the city and the county sheriff's department.
   E.   The city may inspect, at any reasonable time without notice or search warrant, all records of a licensed organization required to be maintained by the state gambling control board. (Ord. 834, sec. 1, 2-19-2008)