To conserve water resources and allow the city's water system flexibility in meeting peak demands, certain limitations must be placed on the city's water supply.
   A.   An odd/even sprinkling restriction based on street addresses is in effect from May 1 to September 30 each year. Residents with odd numbered addresses may water on odd numbered calendar days; residents with even numbered addresses may water on even numbered calendar days.
   B.   Homeowners' associations and apartment complexes that provide a common irrigation system may water only every other day. Homeowners' associations and apartments north of 185th Street may water on odd numbered days and those south of 185th Street may water on even numbered days.
   C.   City water cannot be used for the purposes of irrigating or watering lawns, sod, or seeded areas between eleven o'clock (11:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) P.M. daily. (Ord. 831, sec. 1, 12-17-2007)