A.   Composition: The planning commission shall consist of ten (10) members appointed by the city council. One member shall be a police officer employed by the city who shall serve in an ex officio capacity. The ex officio member may not vote and the ex officio's presence or absence shall not be counted in determining if a quorum is present. Two (2) members shall be alternates. The alternates shall only act as a regular voting member in the absence of any regular member. (Ord. 938, 4-6-2015)
   B.   Terms: The terms of office for members shall be for three (3) years, overlapping as presently established. The ex officio member and alternate members shall serve a one year term. Members shall be appointed from among persons in a position to represent the general public interest, and no persons shall be appointed with private or personal interest likely to conflict with the general public interest. If any person appointed shall find that his or her private or personal interests are involved in any matter coming before the planning commission, that person shall disqualify himself or herself from taking part in action on the matter, or that person may be disqualified by the chairperson of the planning commission. (Ord. 587, sec. 2, 11-4-1996)
   C.   Removal From Office: Any member of the planning commission may be removed from office with or without cause by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the entire city council. Any member of the planning commission who misses three (3) consecutive planning commission meetings in a calendar year, calculated at the end of each calendar year, due to unexcused absences, shall automatically be removed from office without city council action and the city administrator shall notify the member of his or her removal. Excused absences include: a serious personal or family medical condition, death in immediate family or unanticipated work related commitment. It shall be the duty of each member to notify the staff liaison or recording secretary if the member will be unable to attend a meeting. (Ord. 587, sec. 3, 11-4-1996)
   D.   Vacancies In Office: It shall be the duty of the staff liaison to notify the city council promptly of any vacancies occurring in membership, and the city council shall fill such vacancies as soon as reasonably possible for the unexpired term of the original appointment. (Ord. 938, 4-6-2015)