The following shade tree pests occurring within a defined control area on public or private property are a public nuisance:
   A.   Any living or dead ash tree, or part of it including logs, branches, stumps or firewood harboring emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire in any life stage;
   B.   Any living or dead red oak tree, or part of it including logs, branches, stumps or firewood infected with oak wilt Bretziella (form. Ceratocystis) fagacearum to any degree with the capability of producing a spore mat;
   C.   Any living or dead elm tree or part of it including logs, branches, stumps or firewood infected to any degree with the Dutch elm disease fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi or any non-infected elm wood with intact tight bark that will harbor any of the elm bark beetles including but not limited to Scolytusmultistriatus, Scolytus schevyrewi, and Hylurgopinus rufipes;
   D.   Any living, dying or standing tree, wood or plant part infected with any vertebrate or invertebrate animal, plant pathogen, parasitic plant or allied organism in the community threatening to cause significant damage to other trees on an epidemic level as defined by Minnesota Statutes section 89.001. (Ord. 1004, 11-19-2018)