The license may be revoked, suspended or not renewed by the city council upon a showing that the licensee, its owner, manager, employee or agent has engaged in any of the following conduct:
A. Fraud, deception or misrepresentation in connection with the securing of the license.
B. Habitual drunkenness or intemperance in the use of drugs, including, but not limited to, the use of drugs defined in either federal or state laws, barbiturates, hallucinogenic drugs, amphetamines, benzedrine, dexedrine or other sedatives, depressants, stimulants or tranquilizers.
C. Conduct inimical to the interests of the public health, safety, welfare or morals.
D. Acts demonstrating or involving moral turpitude.
E. Failure to fully comply with the requirements of this chapter.
F. Conviction of prostitution or other offense involving moral turpitude by any court of competent jurisdiction.
G. Engaging in any conduct which would constitute grounds for refusal to issue a license under this chapter. (Ord. 896, 11-19-2012)