A. Compliance With Law: The licensee and the persons in its employ shall comply with all applicable regulations and laws of the city and state relating to safety and morals.
B. Person In Charge; Manager: If the licensee is a partnership or a corporation, the applicant shall designate a person to be manager and in responsible charge of the business. The manager shall remain responsible for the conduct of the business until another suitable person has been designated in writing by the licensee. The licensee shall promptly notify the police department in writing of any such change, indicating the name and address of the new manager and the effective date of such change.
C. List Of Massage Therapists: The licensee shall furnish the police department with a list of massage therapists working at the licensee, indicating their names and addresses. The licensee shall promptly notify the police department of any change in the list.
D. Hours: The licensed premises shall not be open for business nor shall patrons be permitted on the premises between the hours of one o'clock (1:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M.
E. Inspection: The licensee shall permit and allow the inspection of the premises during business hours by all appropriate city employees.
F. Identification: Upon demand by any police officer, any person employed in any licensed premises shall identify himself by giving his/her true legal name and his/her correct address.
G. Minors: No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall be employed in an establishment requiring a license under the provisions of this code.
H. Massage Therapist: No massage therapy center shall employ or use any person to give massage therapy unless such person is licensed by the city as a massage therapist. Any person acting as a massage therapist in any such center shall have his/her certificate or a true copy thereof displayed in a prominent place in the premises. (Ord. 896, 11-19-2012)