Transient merchants are specifically prohibited within the city except in the following circumstances:
   A.   Transient merchants operating within a building;
   B.   The sale of plants, flowers or Christmas trees;
   C.   Persons selling farm or garden products; and (Ord. 724, sec. 1, 1-6-2003)
   D.   Persons selling legal fireworks. (Ord. 804, sec. 1, 5-15-2006)
This chapter does not apply to persons selling personal property at wholesale to retailers, to daily newspaper sales, to merchants or their employees delivering goods in the regular course of business, or to a person selling or peddling the products of a farm or garden. Transient merchants that are not prohibited must comply with the city's zoning ordinance and any other applicable ordinances. (Ord. 724, sec. 1, 1-6-2003)